Ontario Pay Equity Consulting
In Ontario, Pay Equity is defined as equal pay for work of equal or comparable value. Essentially, the Pay Equity Act requires that men and women receive equal pay for doing substantially the same work.
Achieving and maintaining pay equity is a legislative requirement for all employers with 10 or more employees. In establishing pay equity, employers are required to determine the “value” of each job using a gender neutral job evaluation system and analysis. The analysis tests for gender bias in compensation practices and required employers to correct any discrepancies.
FocusHR can help you achieve pay equity compliance by:
explaining the legislation and your obligations
conducting a pay equity analysis to determine if you have discrepancies
fixing discrepancies to establish pay equity (if needed)
creating your required pay equity plan
showing you how to maintain pay equity
Learn more about how we can assist you with your Pay Equity obligations and other Human Resources needs. Contact us today.