Engaging a Remote Workforce


We are a year into the pandemic, and it’s safe to say that the novelty of working remotely and not commuting has worn off. At this point, many people are eager to cram into a subway car, or chat with their colleagues around the office Keurig. Working on a dispersed team can easily lead to decreased employee engagement. But just because you’re working in your bedroom and your co-worker is across town at their kitchen table doesn’t mean that you can’t stay engaged. Here are some low-cost and no-cost ideas on how to engage a remote workforce:

 1. Cooking demonstration.  Do you have a colleague who would provoke envy with their delicious lunch leftovers in the breakroom?  Or maybe one who always rocked the holiday potluck?  Are you that colleague?  Offer to prepare a meal live while your team is watching.  Do any slicing and dicing prep beforehand, and circulate the recipe so colleagues can follow along.  As a follow up, ask colleagues who try the recipe to send photos of how their attempt turned out. Bon appétit! 

 2. Virtual happy hour.  The idea is that everyone brings a beverage of their choice (boozy or not) and people chat. Invite everyone to share what they are drinking, how they made it, and why they chose it. Maybe you’re sipping tea out of great-grandmother’s best china, maybe that flea market-find of a martini shaker is finally being put to good use. Your team will be saying CHEERS in no time!

 3. Fitness challenge.  There are many fitness challenges out there—30-day plank challenge, 10,000 steps challenge, couch to 5K challenge. Pick a challenge as a team and go for it!  The support and camaraderie is good for physical and mental health. Participation should be voluntary, and care should be taken regarding the language used to describe the challenge—the key here is to have fun and share something together.

 4. Virtual background with a story.  Virtual backgrounds really became a thing in 2020. Encourage your team to select a virtual background (it can be a photo they took or something they find online) and share why they selected it. Whether you’re on the bridge of the Starship Enterprise or the Hawaiian beach where you got engaged, you’re sure to spark some fun chat. 

 (Pro Tip: If you plan to have a very interactive online event, consider arranging smaller groups instead of one large group, so people don’t get lost in the virtual crowd.  And make sure you mix the groups up for each event to keep it fresh!)

 When an employee is truly engaged, they understand and care about the goals of the company as a whole, and the role they play in driving performance. They are motivated to strive for success as a team. So do your best to keep your team engaged, and you’ll surely reap the benefits of your efforts. 


 Engaging a Remote Workforce is the last blog in a 4-blog series on working and leading in a “Covid-Normal” environment.  Click to read the first 3 blogs Feed the Positive , Networking in 2021 , and Changing Jobs (during a pandemic) .