Three Big Reasons Your Small Business Needs Human Resources Expertise


Your small business can benefit from the expertise of a Human Resources Professional.  Like Accounting or Engineering, Human Resources professionals have a specific skillset and expertise to help you reach your business goals.  Let’s be honest, you wouldn’t hire that Engineer to manage your bank account.  And you wouldn’t ask the Accountant to build your product.  Those would be terrible business decisions.   Why then would you overlook the effective management of the people running your business?

You might not need a full-time Human Resources person on staff.  There are lots of flexible options now, like hiring an experienced consultant to fill your need on a part-time basis.  I call it the Fractional HR Leader.  You receive all the benefits and experience of a seasoned strategic HR partner on a part-time and flexible basis. 

Here are three big reasons your small business needs human resources expertise.

1. A Human Resources Pro Can Focus The Time Needed To Deal With Employee Matters
Dealing with issues related to your team can take time and attention.  Being focused on a day-to-day operation takes up most of your time as a leader.  Yet, employee issues deserve and demand time and attention too. A Human Resources professional can help you manage through these challenging and often complex situations.  Having a seasoned Human Resources practitioner adds a valuable resource to your leadership team.

2. A Human Resources Pro Can Offer Sound Leadership Advice   
Leading a business can be lonely.  As the leader, you’ve got to make tough decisions that can impact your staff.  Confidentiality is important and sometimes you just need someone to talk with.  Consider using a Human Resources professional as your thought partner in these difficult situations.  Your confidentiality is ensured and an experienced Human Resources partner has likely seen a similar situation before and can offer sound advice.

3. A Human Resources Pro Can Help Keep You Compliant
A Human Resources professional has sound knowledge of employment related legal standards.  They can provide you with guidance and ensure you’re focusing your compliance efforts in the right places.

No matter how small your business, you can benefit from the expertise of a strategic Human Resources partner.  Fractional HR Leadership can be flexible allowing you to reap the benefits and experience of an HR Leader without the full time price tag.